
Saturday, January 4, 2014

When Curiosity Landed

             2012 might be over. It’s the most controversial year people are referring to since it has been said that it is the end of the world. There are lots of speculations regarding this and in fact, there are also news saying that other people are extending their preparations by buying lands on other planet particularly Mars.
            What if this preparation really makes sense? What if there’s a basis on investing a land on Mars? What if life is really possible on that planet? What if there is really life a long time ago there?
            Many questions to be answered…What if? As Curiosity Rover landed on Mars last year, a tiny strike of hope hit us that these questions can finally be answered.  And recently, just this December, age of a Martian rock has been determined by the scientists from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) using some of the tools built into Mars Science Laboratory (MLS). They found out in their analysis that the rock is about 3.86 to 4.56 billion years old. Scientists also suggested that this kind of rock is possibly entrenched in what they consider as “ancient lake” which said to have flowed on Mars in about 3.6 million years ago. If this body of water has existed in Mars, it must have also been signalling a possibility of life in that planet.
            With all the calamities we are experiencing right now in different parts of the world – earthquakes, tsunami, storm surge, isn’t it this kind of discovery seems appealing to us? That maybe we can finally find an evacuation place to other planet. Can we finally consider Mars as a newfound home?
[Rachelle Macalino]


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