
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Prevention is better than Cure: HIV, an easily containable disease that causes endenic

Personally, I’d have arrived much earlier had I known what kind of personality was going to take the stage for the forum last December 4, 2013. The speaker was lively and quite the wise cracker. He tackled the dreaded topic of HIV and awkwardness of sexual intercourse with great wit; moreover, he approached it in a way that allowed teenagers to emphasize with.

The information appeared credible and believable. Though I had my suspicious about the exact statistics regarding the percentage of the population who refuse treatment or counselling for HIV, but the speaker’s explanation put my doubts to rest.

The forums was less about the science and jargon regarding HIV but focused more on the psychology behind HIV victims i.e. the most likely victims, how they may react, and how current attitudes only contribute to the promulgation of the disease.

They actually gave out condoms. I think I had finally arrived at the epiphany that I am actually a college student and am legally eligible for sex. It was quite the shock. The speaker brought up the argument that providing contraceptives will only encourage people to be promiscuous. But the speaker rebutted that just as a person on a rainy day will unsheathe their umbrella on a rainy day, people will be responsible enough to use condoms before they engage in sexual intercourse. 

[Mico Vera] 

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