
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love is Action: Youth Initiative and Volunteerism

Ms. Anna Oposa’s story is one of the success stories of change brought about by youth initiative. Last February 8, I attended an open public form entitled “Marine Conversations” with her as the speaker. Aside from her humor and funny remarks, the whole talk was very informative and inspiring.

She shared her own marine tales and drive for change that started even as a student, from her humble beginnings as one of the founders of Isko Cleans UP organization to her accidental appointment as the Chief Mermaid of a legitimate non-government organization, the Save Philippine Seas Movement.

Since our country is an archipelago, our marine resource is a great source of income for the entire population. Ms. Oposa even asserted that the Philippines is the center of center of marine biodiversity. Even with the increasing stress for sustainable development in governance, little efforts however have been made in the preservation and protection of these natural resources.

In this regard, student involvement and volunteerism can be very helpful. The mobilization of youth, with our number and creative ideas, can be an efficient way of raising the awareness of the issue, if not addressing it entirely. I myself practice one of the mentioned small advocacies for the environment in the forum. I refrain from using plastic straws as much as possible. Plastic straw is a good example of the things that we use even though it is not necessary. I admit that this is only a small step but collective small efforts eventually can make a difference. More sustainable efforts, however is needed. A good example of this is the objectives of the Save Philippines Sea Movement. They are pushing for the education, enforcement and empowerment of the people, especially coastal communities.

Another thing that I learned from Ms. Oposa’s experience is that you have to use you skills as an advantage. She was an English Major, a field that one will not automatically associate with environmentalist movements but instead she used it to her advantage in performing her role as the Chief Mermaid.

I am posting this in our blog site on the notorious Valentines Day although apparently I am referring to a different kind of love. According to Ms. Oposa, the Theory of Love basically says that if when you are in love, you will be good on what you love and you will take care of it. This Theory of Love I believe will definitely agree that love is action. We can say all day how much we care for the environment or how much we value dolphins, whales and other sea creatures but it will only matter once we put them into action. As UP students, the story of Ms. Oposa should

inspire us no only to lead and care for the environment but also to make concrete actions to protect and save our marine resources. 

Image Source:
[Ann del Rosario]

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