
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Prevention is better than Cure: HIV, an easily containable disease that causes endenic

Personally, I’d have arrived much earlier had I known what kind of personality was going to take the stage for the forum last December 4, 2013. The speaker was lively and quite the wise cracker. He tackled the dreaded topic of HIV and awkwardness of sexual intercourse with great wit; moreover, he approached it in a way that allowed teenagers to emphasize with.

The information appeared credible and believable. Though I had my suspicious about the exact statistics regarding the percentage of the population who refuse treatment or counselling for HIV, but the speaker’s explanation put my doubts to rest.

The forums was less about the science and jargon regarding HIV but focused more on the psychology behind HIV victims i.e. the most likely victims, how they may react, and how current attitudes only contribute to the promulgation of the disease.

They actually gave out condoms. I think I had finally arrived at the epiphany that I am actually a college student and am legally eligible for sex. It was quite the shock. The speaker brought up the argument that providing contraceptives will only encourage people to be promiscuous. But the speaker rebutted that just as a person on a rainy day will unsheathe their umbrella on a rainy day, people will be responsible enough to use condoms before they engage in sexual intercourse. 

[Mico Vera] 

Going Green: Alternative Forms of Energy

 Electricity has become one of the essential aspects of everyday modern life. In the past decades, as the demand for more electricity has increased, governments and other institutions have been pressured to produce more energy. This demand had reached its peak past the industrial age wherein majority of the worlds’ energy was being produced by coal and oil power plants.
                However, with the development of new forms of technology and research, people have begun to realize the impact of such methods of production on the environment. Other calls for cleaner forms of energy production have risen with fear of global warming and other health impacts on individuals around these power plants.
                The question then arises what is the real cost of producing electricity. Some may argue for the production of energy using coal and oil as it is the cheapest method as seen by the fact that these methods are still utilized in most developing countries. However, one must also account for the externalities of these methods which include the determent of health for individuals around the plant, the lack of a renewable source of fuel, and the carbon emissions which have a global impact.
                Having said that, there are other forms of technology being developed and this article will focus one of the more controversial forms of energy production which is nuclear.
                Many individuals have argued the safety of using nuclear energy especially given the hazards of meltdowns as well as the issue of disposal of nuclear waste. To combat this threat a new form of energy has been presented which is the Thorium Nuclear Reactor.
                The more technical term for the entire mechanism is the liquid fluoride thorium reactor. This reactor utilizes fluoride or chloride salt based fuels and a range of different chemicals to convert thorium into uranium-233 in the thermal spectrum.  These two components are then mixed into a carrier salt making the liquid fuel used in the reactor.
                Similar to the mechanism of a normal nuclear reactor, the heat from the radioactive fuel is then transferred to non-radioactive molten salt. The heat is then taken to steam turbines or a closed cycle gas turbine. In the end the entire process becomes less risky because of two factors.
                First, the lack of contact of radioactive matter with the outside is prevented because of the use of heat transfer to non-radioactive matter. This ensures that in the normal operations of the power plant, radio activity in the area will not be an issue.
                Second, thorium and molten salt are generally more stable materials to use which means that in the case of a meltdown, there would be less risks involved.
                Even though there are still risks present in the use of a Thorium nuclear power plant, as long as the implementation is sound and specifications are required, these risks would be minimized. In general there are three benefits in the utilization of nuclear power which are its cost andenvironmental impact.
                In terms of cost, nuclear energy is actually cheaper than oil and coal power plants in a per wattage basis. This is because the general output of one nuclear power plant far exceeds that of several coal or oil power plant making it a more cost efficient form of production,

                Aside from that there is the environment impact. Unlike other form of production for electricity, nuclear energy is generally safe as the fumes released by the power plant are actually just steam. Unlike the use of oil and coal power plants which release several fumes presenting health risks to the people around the power plant. In the end the next step to an better alternative of power in necessary and nuclear energy remains as one of the most feasible and efficient solutions to the ever growing demand for power.

[Raffy Tanpho]